What about buying a house????
I have a business idea that could be great for my interest: What about buying a house?? What is more, I have ended the second part of my last novel. Keep reading!!
I have a business idea that could be great for my interest: What about buying a house?? What is more, I have ended the second part of my last novel. Keep reading!!
My last article was rather sad. However, this article explains a new experience Halcombe has had: Working in a bank! Keep reading!
My recent articles from the latest months have been very personal. You should know therefore what I have been living. This article likewise will talk about Halcombe. In fact, what am I going to do now??? Keep reading.
This is one of my saddest articles ever for Escarcha Models. So unexpected, so sad… Keep reading!!
The reader might know I have been talking about my new job and my new book here. I wrote about a job regarding English that in the end, I did not carry out. Likewise, I explained how I had changed the end of my new novel to present it as a new one. Yet, the more exciting thing is I have met my muse and my best friend again. Keep reading!!!!
How do you feel about working in a bank? Do you think Halcombe fits in one? Keep reading!!!
Do you know that gold is a good investment? Do you know Halcombe has been on the verge of working in the field of gold? Keep reading!!!
All of us have dreams (perhaps yours is to be a professional model) and my dream is to see a movie based on my last book. Indeed, I have already started to look for my dream. Keep reading!!
I am currently looking for a job but I do not really of which job I am capable. What is more, I also have to study some subjects at University. Welcome to my sad life, dear reader!!!!!!